fbpx Login problems? | WorkingHPRs

If you are having login problems:
Your username can now either be your username or the email address you registered with the site.

1 - Please use the "request new password" option near the login box
2 - Check your email. You should pretty quickly receive a message from us but if there is no message in your inbox, please check spam/junk folder.
3 - Click the link in the email.
4 - Change password.

Chrome Issue Identified

Username can either be your username or your email.

We have identified an issue in chrome whereby the browser is failing to store the password correctly.

1) Click on the key icon (manage your passwords) in the address bar and then click manage password

inline image 1

2) Scroll to the bottom of the list

Inline image 2

and workinghprs.com should appear once. If it appears multiple time delete all of the workinghprs (.com and .co.uk) entries

3) Then log out,

4 ) Then log in again (manually input password) and if you now save the password in the browser it should work reliably.

Please let me know if this sorts your problem, we are working hard to stop this being an issue as it is clearly irritating a lot of customers.

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